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Many people in the world of business and finance have come across the term ‘activist investing’. It refers to an activity where a group of shareholders come together to buy the entire stock of the company. They resort to this course of action when they feel the organization is not performing well in the market.  Their objective is to alter the composition of the Board of Directors. In many cases, they invite new members from amongst themselves to occupy the important positions. Only then can they implement the necessary changes which they assume will improve its reputation in the environment.

Jon Mckee Queen Amatex Capital – Does activist investing have any potential benefits

Jon McKee Queen is a creditable financial expert who presently working in Ukraine. This MBA graduate from Kyiv School of Economics has years of valuable experience specializing in diverse fields. These include corporate finance, risk quantification, legal matters, commodity trading and investment banking. He has the distinction of holding the positions of ‘Managing Director’ and ‘Head of International Sales’ in two prominent investment banks in the country. Currently, he is expert manager at Amatex Capital, a private equity establishment with a good reputation in the market. He heads a team of professionals who are responsible for developing and running large projects in diverse areas. These include energy exploration, investment banking and mining.

The Jon Mckee Queen Amatex Capital team of experts say the top management of prominent companies in America are usually apprehensive of activist investing. They feel that it disrupts the normal functioning of their organizations. In their opinion, shareholders who indulge in this activity do more harm to their establishments than good. However, these financial professionals clarify that this is a misconception of their part. They go on to point out the following 3 key advantages of activist investing:
  •     Influence the top management of a company

Generally, small investors individually do not have much influence on the people responsible for running a company. This is because they usually hold an insignificant number of shares in the organization. However, when they come together to combine their resources, they become more powerful. They have a greater say in the functioning of the establishment and can even change the Board of Directors.
  •      Bring in new members and ideas

Activist shareholders generally bring in new members to the Board of Directors of their companies. Such people usually have the necessary knowledge, skills and experience to run the organization in a more effective manner. Research shows they ideas they introduce revolutionizes the functioning of such establishments. They generally come up with groundbreaking products or services. This boosts their reputation in the marketplace. The projects Amatex Capital develops and operates is an example of this trend.
  •      Boost share prices

Shareholders who indulge in activist investing can turn their companies around in ways many people cannot imagine. This encourages other individuals to put their money into such organizations. They do so in the hope of earning a reasonable return on their investment. This trend can boost the share prices of such corporate enterprises.
The Jon Mckee Queen Amatex Capital group of financial professionals say activist investing can help companies improve their image in the market. This is because their top management undergo a radically change for the better. The above 3 key advantages prove this point without any reasonable doubt.

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