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Giving out bonbonnieres or wedding favors to the participants of your wedding is an integral part of this special event. As always, handing out those special items is one excellent and symbolic way of showing your gratitude to your wedding guests that they have found time to attend the tying of the knot with the one you love.

Since there’s an element of expressing your gratitude in giving the wedding favors, it’s crucial that you put much thought on the items that you’ll give. You should keep in mind that you’ll give them something that they’ll remember in their lifetime. In other words, it should be extra special to you and them.

For some assistance, I gathered here a list of ideal wedding favors that you can give to your wedding guests. So take a read!

A Jar of Local Honey

Honey is one of the favorites of newly-wed couples to give to their wedding guests. But if you want to put something of symbolic value to this sweet gift, you can buy a jar of local honey to give to them as a way of saying thank you.

For sure, you can find a local farm in your place that sells local honey. You can couple the jar of locally produced honey with a basket of fresh fruits from your locality.

Seed Bombs

Seed bombs are indeed a unique wedding favor that you will surely delight your environment-friendly wedding guests. It may be small, but it’s an excellent way to paint a big smile on their face.

Seed bombs are a mixture of seeds, clay, and compost intended to be thrown into the ground to become trees. Seed bombs are popular as a wedding favor nowadays because it’s simple and can provide a positive impact on the environment.

A Jar of Himalayan Salt

Himalayan salt is not the usual white table salt that you can find in your kitchen. For one thing, it’s color is not white but pink, and it can provide a lot of health benefits. Now, if a unique wedding favor is what you want to give to your guests, then a Himalayan salt is the ideal item to give to them.

You can make this wedding favor extra special by including a booklet of recipes that are perfect to eat with the Himalayan salt.

Homemade Limoncello

If there’s a wedding favor that never goes out of style, it’s perhaps alcoholic drinks. But for you to make the alcoholic beverage that you’ll give to your wedding guests filled with love and gratitude, you should make it homemade.

Thanks to the Italians for giving us this delicious lemon-flavored alcoholic drink, wedding flavors (I mean - favors) will now never be the same. If you want to mix this drink at home, there are limoncello recipes that you can find on the Internet to give you some help. For sure, this is a thing that they’ll not forget.

Photo Magnets

The tying of the knot is sure a significant event for the life of the wedding couple, and you can’t just let pass those precious moments that this special day inspires. Therefore, you should see to it that you’ll hire a professional wedding photographer that will immortalize those wedding moments.

Since photos are items for you and your guests to remember your wedding, it will be an excellent idea that you’ll give your guests those wedding photos in a magnet frame. You can look for wedding photography services like Magnet Me for this purpose.


Wedding favors are significant items to give to your guests as a way of showing your gratitude to them. Thus, you should make sure that you put much thought and creativity in your wedding favors. You can follow the list of wedding favor ideas above for that purpose.

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